SB’s Gaming Protocol
This document is set to outline any and all rules the SB clan expects you to obey. These rules are a standard set of rules which apply to all players playing under an SB tag or within the SB team! These sections are rated from low to high importance matches and as you go down the previous comments will apply to the next section. (for example Public Match Protocol will apply to War Match Protocol)
General Gaming Protocol:1. When wearing the SB tag you should not start flaming against other teams while in lobbies or when you have any other form of communication with their team.
2. You should always make an effort to get into a party with the other members of SB.
3. When there are more than 6 players, a Ground War should be played and in the case of 10+ members 2 separate teams can either, try and get into the same lobby/join 2 separate games or private match working on maps or modes for upcoming wars.
Public Match Protocol:1. Respect other member’s wishes regarding game mechanics. (Such as Last Stand in COD:MW2) Unless your own character is at risk or under fire.
2. Play all matches as you would a clan match. We all like to let our hair down now and again and there will be matches where the opposition just isn’t up to scratch to allow the high kill streaks and general anarchy.
3. A Game Leader will be appointed by the highest ranked member in the room at the time. If everyone is of the same level a mutual agreement will be arranged as to who will lead the party.
4. What the leader says goes. For example jumping out or which direction to go.
5. Trialists will be assessed during Public matches and Private training sessions.
Training/Training Match Protocol:1. PreMatch Training will start 1 hour before the scheduled match time on that day!
2. General Clan Training will be held on a Thursday night starting at 7 until roughly 8.30. This is where modes and maps will be played through and any positions people want to share can be shown through a free-for-all match with no killing!
3. When training you will be expected to listen to whoever is speaking and not interrupt them. If you have something to say or show wait until the previous person has finished.
4. When training with Friendly Fire ON, don’t team kill your friends. Repeated team kills deemed unacceptable by the Leader of the training will result in the game being ended and you being asked to leave.
5. When training you will be expected to play by the CG set rules for the game you are on.
War Match Protocol:1. The Room Host and Game Leader will keep all their members unmuted in the lobbies and only mute them during the match to make sure we don’t let slip of tactics. All other members will have the other team muted from the start.
2. If/When you get killed don’t scream abuse over the comms which could potentially block out important information. Communicate their last known position in a calm manner.
3. In any non-respawn modes please refrain from t-bagging the enemy.
4. Make sure you know the rules to which ever ladder you are playing on regarding classes and banned items. Your classes should be sorted out before you start training.
5. Full Members will be picked over Trialists to play unless there are no other suitable players to choose from.
6. If you spot any form of wrong doing by the opposition team, inform your team mates and also try to obtain a picture. There must be evidence that CLEARLY shows the opposition in the wrong before the host/leader can act!
These must all be followed and complied with. Any frequent rule breaking will be dealt with accordingly by a Leader
Thank you
SB Leaders